Fence-Depot https://www.fence-depot.com We Make Fence Shopping Easy. Wed, 02 Aug 2023 16:38:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.fence-depot.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/cropped-websitelogo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Fence-Depot https://www.fence-depot.com 32 32 163065502 How to Install an Aluminum Fence at an Angle https://www.fence-depot.com/how-to-install-an-aluminum-fence-at-an-angle/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-install-an-aluminum-fence-at-an-angle Wed, 20 Nov 2019 02:57:14 +0000 https://www.fence-depot.com/?p=9757 Aluminum fencing is most often sold in 6’ wide sections. Each section of fence is then attached to a post. The posts are square and usually have a 2” or 2.5” diameter. But what if your lot is an irregular shape and you need to angle your fence line at something other than a 90 […]

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The typical line, end or corner post from Fence-Depot.com will allow about a 5 degree angle without the use of the swivel brackets so they wouldn’t be necessary if you are trying to achieve a very gentle radius. But this type of bracket can make it much easier to closely follow your property line if it is an irregular shape. They can also be helpful for following landscaping. Fence-Depot.com can provide just about any solution when it comes to installing an aluminum fence. Our local installation company, R&T Fence Inc., has been servicing the NE Ohio area for over 30 years and has experienced just about any possible installation scenario. Please give us a call with any questions regarding our swivel brackets or if you have any other special situations about aluminum fence installation. You can call and talk to one of our fence professionals at 1(833) 442-3655.The post How to Install an Aluminum Fence at an Angle first appeared on Fence-Depot.]]> 9757
Traditional Metal Dog Fence Versus an Invisible Electric Dog Fence https://www.fence-depot.com/traditional-metal-dog-fence-versus-an-invisible-electric-dog-fence/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=traditional-metal-dog-fence-versus-an-invisible-electric-dog-fence Tue, 25 Jun 2019 18:43:00 +0000 https://www.fence-depot.com/?p=9725 There are a few things to consider when deciding between a traditional metal dog fence and an invisible electric dog fence. Below we will cover a few of the basics.  Do you want to keep other dogs and people out? Invisible dog fences only work to keep your dog in. A traditional fence will not […]

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Do you want to keep other dogs and people out? Invisible dog fences only work to keep your dog in. A traditional fence will not only keep your dog in, but also will keep other dogs, small animals and people out. Do you have time for training? After a traditional dog fence is installed, you’re free to let your pup out without worry. An invisible dog fence on the other hand will require training, meaning more of your time and patience working with the dog to understand his or her new boundaries. Do you have a readily available power source? Invisible dog fences are electric and therefore require a power source. Your dog’s invisible fence collar may also require regular charging. If you don’t have this power source readily available, or don’t want to worry about charging yet another device, a traditional fence may be the way to go. Do you want to maintain my property views? Invisible dog fences are just that: invisible. So, they won’t provide any obstruction to your existing property views. Keep in mind; however, that traditional fences come in many different heights and slat widths, so it is possible to use one without terribly disrupting your views.  Do you have to worry about neighborhood codes? Invisible dog fences do not need to meet neighborhood codes and can be installed right away. Before installing a traditional dog fence, you’ll have to conduct a bit of research to determine if your neighborhood codes will restrict you in any way. Fence-Depot.com are proponents of traditional pet fence. Our aluminum pet fence and double picket fence systems are designed to keep yout pets safe from wandering off and from other animals invading their space.  If you are looking for a great fence for your pet, Fence-Depot.com has what you need. Just create a quick quote here and we will contact you to complete the estimate. The post Traditional Metal Dog Fence Versus an Invisible Electric Dog Fence first appeared on Fence-Depot.]]> 9725
Commercial Aluminum Fence vs Industrial Aluminum Fence https://www.fence-depot.com/commercial-aluminum-fence-vs-industrial-aluminum-fence/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=commercial-aluminum-fence-vs-industrial-aluminum-fence Thu, 04 Jan 2018 17:56:40 +0000 https://www.fence-depot.com/?p=9605 At Fence-Depot, all of our aluminum fences are top of the line. They all have impressive durability and strength with a beautifully sleek appearance.   There are also a variety of heights, styles and colors to choose from. They are maintenance free and come with a lifetime warranty, and are sure to add curb appeal and […]

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Commercial Aluminum Fence Commercial aluminum fence systems are a great option for those who need more strength than the residential grade. The vertical pickets and horizontal rails are just slightly larger than the lighter weight residential, but with greater power and durability, ideal for security fences. These fences are offered in greater heights with wider paneling sizes. Ideal applications for these are residences with greater security needs, coffee shops, dog parks, schools, apartment complexes, shopping centers, factories, cemeteries, or worship buildings. Industrial Aluminum Fence All of our Industrial aluminum fencing systems boasts the heaviest gauge aluminum extrusions for marked visibility and impressive appearance. These fences are the absolute strongest, most enduring on the market. They are perfect for industrial complexes, high traffic public areas, or any areas that require more strength and security than a commercial aluminum fence. Industrial grade fences are the appropriate selections for municipal buildings, schools, dog parks, airports, or buildings with serious security concerns. Fence-Depot is committed to providing you with the most helpful information and support during the process of buying your new fence. We’re knowledgeable about just about any ornamental fence application and are happy to assist you with your questions.  Call one of our fence professionals today at (833) 442-3655 or email us at sales@fence-depot.com.The post Commercial Aluminum Fence vs Industrial Aluminum Fence first appeared on Fence-Depot.]]> 9605
What is Rackability? https://www.fence-depot.com/what-is-rackability/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-rackability Fri, 08 Dec 2017 15:49:34 +0000 https://www.fence-depot.com/?p=9399   When shopping for a fence you probably see the word rackability thrown around quite a bit. Rightfully so, as it is a key feature for any ornamental fence panel to have. This feature gives the panel the ability to follow the grade or slope of the ground. This eliminates the need to stair-step your […]

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When shopping for a fence you probably see the word rackability thrown around quite a bit. Rightfully so, as it is a key feature for any ornamental fence panel to have. This feature gives the panel the ability to follow the grade or slope of the ground. This eliminates the need to stair-step your sections like what is typically seen in wrought iron and other welded or solid fence panels. Our rackable aluminum fence panels are better than solid panels when trying to combat a slope. This is because they provide a much more secure and smoother fence line when going up the slopes or hills on your land. Often times with stair-stepped panels you will be left with a sizable gap underneath the section. When buying a fence, whether you are keeping things in or out, having as few gaps as possible is critical for security. Not to mention having a continuous and sleek fence line certainly adds to the overall appeal of the property.

Fence-Depot offers standard, racked, and double-racked aluminum and steel fence panels. When requesting a quote from one of our fence professionals be sure to let us know the lay of the land you're working with. We've encountered many situations where different elevation styles are needed and with many years of installation experience, we know what works best. Below are illustrations of the different options we've touched on.


Even when working with relatively flat land it is always best to consider getting rackable panels to account for very small grade changes in a fence line. It may not seem like much, but over the course of 50 feet, a few inches of fluctuation in grade can really add up fast. Our standard rackability for our aluminum can handle grade changes from 16" up to 20" over a 6'W section; depending on the style and manufacturer. Where the elevation change is even more severe, we offer what we call double-punched, or double-racked panels. Our double-punched panels can rack 21"-26" over a 6' span. If you look below, the image on the left is a perfect example of our standard rackability.  The image on the right has a much steeper hill, and double punched panels had to be used to follow the grade.

Now that you know what rackability is, head on over and explore the many style, color, and material options! Fence-Depot has both welded steel and aluminum that offer rackable panels so what are you waiting for?

Don't know where to start?

Call one of our fence professionals today and get a FREE same-day quote!


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How to Install an Aluminum Gate https://www.fence-depot.com/how-to-install-an-aluminum-gate/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-install-an-aluminum-gate Thu, 07 Dec 2017 21:02:19 +0000 http://www.fence-depot.com/?p=9378 You have purchased your fence material, begun installation, and you just got to your first planned gate in your fence line. What do you do? Get strapped in, and I'll explain every step along the way! Step 1 Digging the Holes for Your Gate Post The first thing you want to do when installing your […]

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Step 1 Digging the Holes for Your Gate Post The first thing you want to do when installing your gate is dig the holes for the gate post. When digging your holes you want to make them wider and deeper than a standard post hole (line, end, or corner). This is because a gate post needs to be much stronger to accommodate for frequent use and heavier load capacities. A bigger hole means more concrete to secure your post! When sizing the width of your hole, you want plenty of room to get concrete on all sides of the post. A good rule of thumb is to keep your hole between 6-8" wide. The bigger the post, the bigger the hole (Example: 2" Post, 6" Hole - 3" Post, 8" Hole). When it comes to the depth of the hole there are a few things to consider; Frost Line (If applicable), Post Length, Fence Height, & Gate Width. If you live in an area where the ground freezes like it does for us in NE Ohio, its best to dig a deeper hole, around 36", so that you can get your concrete below the frost line. This will prevent your footers from heaving and cracking over time. If you are installing a 4'H x 4'W Gate, your post length is likely going to be a 6'L post, as that is the standard size for 4'H fencing (As noted, when living in colder climates, consider longer post to get past the frost line). A 6'L Gate post will give you 24" of post in the ground. While 24" is the minimum depth for nearly any fence post hole, that doesn't mean your hole depth should only be 24". In this situation it is best to dig your holes 27" or deeper so that you can not only have concrete on the sides of the post, but also below and inside the bottom of the post as well. Once you decide the width and depth of the hole, start digging! When you get down to the depth you're trying to achieve be sure to clear out the bottom of the hole so that there isn't a bunch of loose dirt. I always recommend "belling" out the bottom of your holes too. This is when you make the bottom of your hole wider than the top of your hole. If you do this, it will make for a much stronger gate post because it will be more difficult for the gate to heave and ultimately allow for more concrete towards the bottom of the post.  Once you've dug your first gate post hole, it is time to determine where your second hole will go. This is dependent solely on how wide your gate is. With our material, our gates are made for the opening. What this means is that if you have ordered a 4'W Gate, your inside measurement from post to post should be 48", while the actual gate frame for a 48"W gate is 46.5". This is to accommodate for gate hardware such as hinges and latches. It is always a good idea to check the allowances of your gate hardware to determine how far your post need to be apart. Our gates are always made for their opening with hardware in mind, unless otherwise stated. Measuring from the center of your first hole, make a mark roughly 3-5" over your gate width total, and start digging the same size hole as your first. The additional 3-5" past the gate width is so that your gate post can be centered in their holes and the concrete can be evenly distributed around it.  

Step 2 Concreting Your Gate Post

You have dug your holes and tossed the post inside them. If you are in a position where you need concrete under the post to get your fence height where it needs to be, then do so before you put your post in the hole. This will also allow for concrete to get inside the bottom of the post and make the bond stronger. Once they are there, you will need your tape measure. Remember, the gates are made for their opening. In this scenario we will be installing a 48"W gate, so the inside to inside measurement of your post, or daylight measurement, will be 48". Once you've achieved the distance between the post you need and they are bubble level, slowly shovel your concrete in a little at a time so that you don't knock your post out of its correct position. Fill your hole with concrete until you have roughly 4"-6" of depth left to fill. At this point finish filling the hole with dirt. Pack it nice and tight around the post so it becomes sturdy. Double check your post and make sure they are level, and then verify that your measurement is where you need it. Remember in the scenario we want our two post to be 48" apart because we are installing a 48"W Gate with a frame of 46.5". NOTE: You should always allow your concreted post to set up and dry before hanging the gate frame on them.

Step 3 Hanging Your Gate & Installing Hardware

The first decision you'll need to make when going to hang your gate will be the direction of the swing. If the fence you are installing is enclosing a pool,  then you must have the gate swing out and away from the pool. This is a safety requirement most local codes follow. Whichever direction you decide your gate to swing will determine the side of the fence line that your hardware will be on. If your gate is swinging outward, the hardware needs to be installed on the outside face of the fence line. And if your gate is swinging inward, vice versa. Look to the instruction manual of the hardware for installation instruction specific to your model. You'll first install your hinges on your gate frame. In my experience, I like to measure from both the top and bottom of the gate an even distance, and that is where I choose to install my hinge hardware. For example, I'll measure 6" down from the top of the gate frame, install my hinge, and then measure 6" up from the bottom of my gate frame, install my second hinge. This allows for an even weight distribution from top to bottom and an all around more symmetrical look. Once you have installed your hinges to your gate frame, it is time to anchor them down to the dried gate post. You'll want two people for this portion of the installation. While one person picks up the gate frame and holds it to the post, the other will anchor down fasteners. Be sure to align your horizontal rails on the gate frame with the horizontal rails of the installed fencing, if applicable. If you do not have fencing installed, and you are installing a stand-alone gate, align the 2" gate frame to the top of the gate post. Once they are aligned, anchor down your hinges to the post.  Installing your latch is easy! Many latches are different in their design. I will be going over how to install the standard gravity latch that is sent out with our orders. If you've chosen a different latching mechanism, please refer to the installation manual for instructions. With the gravity latch there is two parts; the striker and the latch. Be sure to install the latch high enough on the post so small children cannot open the gate. If installing around a pool, be sure to check local pool codes and install an approved latch (Ask about our MagnaLatch). First, hold the latch up to the gate post, and mark your holes. Drill your pilot holes and then anchor your latch down with provided fasteners. Hold the striker onto the gate frame so that it is even with the latch. Drill your pilot holes and anchor the striker down. Be sure to double check all your fasteners so that every hole is anchored down tightly.  Adjusting your hinges is the last step! Refer to your manual for specific instructions. Adjust the tension on your hinges so that the gate closes by itself once its opened. Be sure not to increase the self-closing tension so much that the gate slams closed. This is not good for the post or hardware over a long period of time. Once you've achieved the desired amount of tension in your self-closing hinge, you're all done! You've just installed your first aluminum gate!

If you continue to run into any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to

one of our fence professionals. We're here to help!


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Decorative Estate Driveway Gates add Elegance to Any Property https://www.fence-depot.com/decorative-estate-driveway-gates-add-elegance-to-any-property/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=decorative-estate-driveway-gates-add-elegance-to-any-property https://www.fence-depot.com/decorative-estate-driveway-gates-add-elegance-to-any-property/#respond Sun, 15 Oct 2017 19:26:22 +0000 http://fence-depot.com/newfence-depot.com/?p=529 Elegant Estate Driveway Gates Adds Personality Decorative Driveway Gates are a great way to dress up any property. They add security to any perimeter and have impressive curb appeal.  A nice driveway gate is a simple way to increase the value of your property. Decorative Estate Gates can be modified in numerous ways. You can add rings between the horizontal rails (as pictured […]

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Elegant Estate Driveway Gates Adds Personality Decorative Driveway Gates are a great way to dress up any property. They add security to any perimeter and have impressive curb appeal.  A nice driveway gate is a simple way to increase the value of your property. Decorative Estate Gates can be modified in numerous ways. You can add rings between the horizontal rails (as pictured above), you can personalize your purchase by adding  family initials (pictured above), you can install fancy finials or decorative picket tops. There are numerous other accessories available like stars and bars and scrolls and even diamonds. You are only limited by your imagination! Fence-depot.com fence professionals are available to help you make the most informed decision possible for your particular budget and setting. Our parent company has been installing driveway gates like the one pictured here for over 23 years . We can help you decide which driveway gate width is best suited for your driveway, how much underside clearance is needed for different climates, how to make sure your gate will not sag If a wheel or track system is best, etc.

We promise to make your purchase a pleasurable one!

Standard colors include: black, white, and bronze for commercial driveway gates. Black, white, bronze,  green, and sandstone are standard residential colors but custom colors are available too.The post Decorative Estate Driveway Gates add Elegance to Any Property first appeared on Fence-Depot.]]>
https://www.fence-depot.com/decorative-estate-driveway-gates-add-elegance-to-any-property/feed/ 0 529
Should I Use Assembled or Unassembled Aluminum Fence? https://www.fence-depot.com/should-i-use-assembled-or-unassembled-aluminum-fence/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=should-i-use-assembled-or-unassembled-aluminum-fence Tue, 27 Oct 2015 14:33:10 +0000 http://www.fence-depot.com/?p=8859 Which is better?     An aluminum fence is a very attractive and versatile fence system.  It provides the same look as a traditional wrought iron fence but is maintenance free with a limited lifetime warranty.  Aluminum fencing systems can serve many functions.  This type of fence can be the perfect choice for residential, commercial and industrial […]

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Which is better?     An aluminum fence is a very attractive and versatile fence system.  It provides the same look as a traditional wrought iron fence but is maintenance free with a limited lifetime warranty.  Aluminum fencing systems can serve many functions.  This type of fence can be the perfect choice for residential, commercial and industrial applications.  They can be used in residential settings to surround a pool or keep the kids or pets safe; they can provide a decorative barrier for an outdoor patio at a restaurant, or they could provide security for a manufacturing facility or apartment complex.  All of this functionality is available in multiple styles, heights and colors. Pre assembled aluminum fence panels    At Fence-Depot.com, we ship our aluminum fence straight from the manufacturer to the customer.  We can ship to a residential address or a commercial address.  One of the most common questions we receive from customers about aluminum fencing is “are the fence sections shipped assembled or unassembled”?  Shipping the fence assembled means that each fence section is ready to be installed onto the posts right out of the box.  All of our pricing is for assembled sections.  If the fence is unassembled each fence section must be screwed together first before installation onto the posts.  A residential grade aluminum fence section is typically made up of 15 vertical pickets and 3 horizontal rails.  A screw needs to be placed at every location where the vertical picket meets the horizontal rail.  This means that there would be 45 screws for every 1 section!     If you are ordering an aluminum fence for your yard and plan to do the installation yourself, we highly recommend that you order assembled fence sections.  This will eliminate a tedious and time consuming step.  The quality of the product will also be better because the fence sections are powder coated after assembly.  Painting after assembly creates an extra bonding of the screws to the fence panels.     There is, however, one instance when shipping the fence sections unassembled makes a lot of sense.  We do recommend shipping the fence unassembled when ordering less than 5 sections.  Shipping in this manner allows you to keep freight costs down.  When fence sections are shipped assembled, they must be shipped by common carrier.  That cost is usually a minimum of $200.  By shipping unassembled, the packaging is small enough to be shipped by UPS Ground.  This would keep the shipping cost to around $100 or less.     It’s not easy to know all of the little details that go into buying an aluminum fence and installing it yourself.  There’s more to know than most people realize.  But Fence-Depot.com makes it easier.  Our parent company, R&T Fence Inc., has been a family owned business serving the Northeast Ohio area for over 25 years.  We install all of the products we sell.  We share this knowledge with you so your self-installation project goes smoothly and the finished project can be something you are proud of.  Please call us at 833-442-3655 and one of our friendly, professional and knowledgeable representatives will gladly answer your questions and help you determine all of the specifics needed to make your fence project turn out great.     The post Should I Use Assembled or Unassembled Aluminum Fence? first appeared on Fence-Depot.]]> 8859
Types of Deck, Balcony and Porch Railing Systems – Today’s Top Options https://www.fence-depot.com/types-of-deck-balcony-and-porch-railing-systems-todays-top-options/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=types-of-deck-balcony-and-porch-railing-systems-todays-top-options Mon, 24 Mar 2014 00:29:58 +0000 http://www.fence-depot.com/?p=8656 Types of Deck, Balcony and Porch Railing Systems - Today's Top OptionsThere are countless deck railing, porch railing and balcony railing options available in today's market. There are as many options available as there are types of houses. Railings come in different sizes, shapes and compositions. They may protect your balcony and keep you safe, enhance your deck […]

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Stair Railing

  1. Wood Railing:  A popular selection for over 30 years because wood is affordable and less expensive than vinyl, aluminum, steel and wrought iron railing systems. Pro: Very affordable option with numerous spindle and rail possibilities. Wood systems can easily be customized and stained or painted to match any surrounding landscape. Con: Wood properties breakdown with age and splintering, warping, cupping, swelling, warp and decay can become a problem. This system requires a great deal of maintenance. Depending on the setting moisture, sunlight and other environmental factors wood may even speed up the process of weathering on this selection. 2. Aluminum Railing: An easy way to add style and elegance to any project. Aluminum Railing is the "go to" product of the future! Aluminum porch railing, balcony railing and deck railing has gained steam against the competition due to its simple elegance and no maintenance characteristics. View our selection at: http://www.fence-depot.com/fence/deck-railing/ Pro: This product comes with lifetime warranties and is competitively priced. There are numerous styles and options for top rail and spindle selections. Aluminum Railing comes in a variety of colors with custom paint options available. This product is able to withstand all weather elements and is sturdy in construction. Con: Due to the size of the profiles this railing is not as easy to customize as other railing designs. 3. Vinyl Railing:  Attractive and durable solution for many railing applications. Pro: Constructed of high impact PVCVinyl Railing systems are virtually maintenance free. The UV stabilized high impact Polyvinyl Chloride can withstand outdoor weathering and comes in 4 basic colors. Con: There is an upcharge for colors other than white. Watch out for cheaply made Pvc Railing as they have thinner walls and require costly metal inserts for increasing the stability of this product. Beware of recycled materials that may be inferior and may not be safe for certain support situations.  4. Steel/Wrought Iron Railing: These beautiful systems are decorative and easily customized. They come with a manufacturer's 10 year warranty. Pro: The thinner profiles allow for the back drop to be the focus and not the railing. Steel Railings can be as ornate as you want because it is fairly simple to add scrolls or decorative elements to the original design. Con: Due to the composition of this metal a steel railing system may require maintenance for rust and corrosion. Not recommended for use by salt water or areas where there may be heavy snow and ice requiring extreme salt conditions. Fence-depot.com has compiled this information for our customers using our 25+ years of industry experience and technical expertise. We only carry the top brands of balcony, deck railing and porch rail systems that have been field tested by our company.   We buy in volume and pass our discounts on to you. Our award winning customer service is here for you anytime you need advice or help in making the right decision for you're Railing Projects.  Please visit our site, call #833-442-3655 or email your drawing to Jason@fence-depot.com if we may be of help to you. No question or project is too big or small for our fence professionals.   If your looking for matching Aluminum Fence  click here for all of our aluminum fences, residential, commercial and industrial. http://www.fence-depot.com/fence/aluminum-fence/    The post Types of Deck, Balcony and Porch Railing Systems – Today’s Top Options first appeared on Fence-Depot.]]>
We are proud to offer a Military Discount https://www.fence-depot.com/we-are-proud-to-offer-a-military-discount/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=we-are-proud-to-offer-a-military-discount Fri, 20 Dec 2013 14:32:36 +0000 http://www.fence-depot.com/?p=8563 We Support Our Troops and Gladly Give All Military Personnel and First Responders 5% Discount On All Fence Materials! Fence-Depot.com knows what service, sacrifice and commitment is all about. We are a hard working family owned business serving our fellow man, much like our grandfathers Frank A. Tekavec and Philip Lustig who both served in […]

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We Support Our Troops and Gladly Give All Military Personnel and First Responders 5% Discount On All Fence Materials!

Fence-Depot.com knows what service, sacrifice and commitment is all about. We are a hard working family owned business serving our fellow man, much like our grandfathers Frank A. Tekavec and Philip Lustig who both served in WWII. Our Patriarch’s taught us that nothing is more important than your word, your work ethic and your fellow man. With family members still serving in the military it is our great honor and privilege to offer a 5% discount on every product that we carry. Without the great men and women who serve in our United States Armed Forces we would not be able to enjoy the many celebrations had in a newly fenced in yard. At Fence-Depot.com we strive to be the leader in providing material discounts to any active or retired service member wishing to purchase fencing,driveway gates,porch railing,balcony railing, pool fence, dog fence, puppy picket fencing, privacy fence, aluminum fence, wrought iron fence or fencing accessories. It would be our pleasure to help you with your fencing purchase. There is nothing better than having the peace of mind in knowing that your loved ones are safe within their yard. We can help by assisting you every step of the way:
  • We will help you plan your layout (free of charge),
  • Put together a material list for you (free of charge),
  • Place your order to close in your yard, pool or property (free of charge).
  • Apply your 5% discount! 
  • All you have to do is fax (330) 626-3331 or email sales@fence-depot.com your military ID to us and we will get started!
  • Call anytime for free help or advice with your project # 1-833-442-3655.
  • Discounts available for first responders and military spouses too!
  We make fence shopping an easy and fun experience. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice!The post We are proud to offer a Military Discount first appeared on Fence-Depot.]]>
How to Calculate the cost of Wrought Iron Fencing https://www.fence-depot.com/how-to-calculate-the-cost-of-wrought-iron-fencing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-calculate-the-cost-of-wrought-iron-fencing Fri, 08 Nov 2013 19:10:00 +0000 http://www.fence-depot.com/?p=8511 At Fence-Depot.com, we offer high quality wrought iron fence panels and gates, a superior option in today's fence market. Residential and Commercial grade wrought iron fences are available for different applications. What is the difference?  Can I use a commercial grade iron fence at my residential property?  Can I use a residential grade iron fence at my […]

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At Fence-Depot.com, we offer high quality wrought iron fence panels and gates, a superior option in today's fence market. Residential and Commercial grade wrought iron fences are available for different applications. What is the difference?  Can I use a commercial grade iron fence at my residential property?  Can I use a residential grade iron fence at my business?  What is the difference in cost between the two?  What items do I need to buy to determine how much it will cost?  These are all frequently asked questions that will be addressed here in this article.

Beautiful Iron fencing panels .

The difference between a residential and commercial grade wrought iron fence is in the size and weight of the components that make up the fencing.  For example, a 4’ high residential grade wrought iron fence section has ½” square vertical pickets and weighs about 45 lbs.  The 4’ high commercial grade wrought iron fence section is made up of ¾” square vertical pickets and weighs about 70 lbs.

When we are talking about “residential” grade or “commercial” grade it doesn’t mean that you can only use residential grade for your home or commercial grade at a place of business.  You can absolutely use either option for any application.  The terms residential and commercial are only used to signify that one is lighter and one is heavier than the other.

The commercial grade wrought iron fence will cost about 50% more than the residential grade.  We determine the wrought iron fence cost by adding up the fence sections, posts and gates needed for a specific project.  The fence sections are sold in 8’ wide lengths and their price includes the hardware needed for installation.  The posts are usually either 2’ or 3’ longer than the height of the fence sections (so they can be buried in concrete) and their price includes a standard post cap.  Our gates include hinges and a latch in the price as well.  An easy way to estimate the total cost of a 4’ high residential wrought iron fence would be to use $16.50 per linear foot.  The 4’ commercial wrought iron fence cost would then be around $24 per linear foot.

Contact us today or give us a call at 1 (833) 442-3655 for help in determining how much your wrought iron fence would cost.  We are available to answer your questions and help you with all of your fencing needs.

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